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Thank God for the wake up call 🙏🏾


How obese of a nation are we?

According to the the 2019 stats from Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), adult obesity rates now exceed 35% in nine states, 30% in 31 states, and 25% in 48 states. Mississippi and West Virginia, are the highest at 39.5 %! Do you understand that 1 out of every 3 people in those states are obese. Thankfully we live in Colorado which is considered the healthiest state in America, at 23%. These are the simple facts!

Here are a few lazy habits, you should try to break, to keep obesity rate low!

  1. When your alarm goes off!

    -Your mind tells you, get a few more minutes of sleep and hit the snooze, but in reality you should arise and win the morning!

  2. Spending to much time on social media.

    -Spending to much time involved in other people’s life, will keep you from achieving your goals.

  3. Not putting your shopping cart back.

    -This seriously might be my number one pet peeve. People will place shopping carts everywhere, even feet from the shopping cart return rack. Come on people, it not that hard and only take a little effort.

  4. Not flossing.

    -Something we know that is good for us, but prefer to skip!

  5. Not communicating with your loved ones.

    -Stop taking people and time for granted, only God knows how much time we have left.

-Coach Court


Stop Selling Yourself Short!
