The Warm-up
Thank God for the wake up call 🙏🏾
Would you drive a Ferrari as fast as it could go, on a cold start without letting the engine warmup? Better yet would you go run a 40 yard dash without out stretching? So why would you train without doing without warming up?
I believe in procedure called dynamic warmup, which incorporates sports-specific movements that prepares the body for training and competition. Simply put dynamic warmup, is stretching in motion! It is important for everyone to warm up before training, a well designed warm-up can get you mentally and physically prepared for the demands of the workout.
Here are (5) reason why you should do a dynamic warmup before training:
Increases blood flow to the muscle
Raises core body temperature
Improves joint range of motion
Enhances metabolic reaction
Boost athletic performance
Click this link, to see a video of the dynamic warmup we do at BBP!
-Coach Court