a snicker’s everyday!

Yes, you read the title right! I eat a snickers everyday and went from 11% body fat to %5 body fat- and so can you!

Its all about MACROS! What are macros, macros are the fancy way of saying protein, carbs, and fats. When your on a macro based diet, there are no food restrictions! I repeat, there are NO food restrictions! For the last 16 weeks I’ve been preparing for (2) NPC bodybuilding shows on a macro based diet. I’m not a salt/savory guy, but I love me sweets!

My macros were the following: 240g protein 130g carbs and 40g of fat. My meals pretty much looked like this!

Breakfast: 8oz of egg whites and 4 slices of turkey bacon. I cook my bacon, then crumble two pieces into a 4oz muffin tin. I’d season to taste, add onions and garlic then fill with 4oz of egg whites. Macros: 44.7g protein

Snack 1: 1 cup non-fat plain yogurt, 70g of strawberries, and 1 scoop of chocolate bone broth protein powder. I like to mike the yogurt, protein powder, and walden farms carmel syrup in a bowl and top with strawberries. So good! Macros: 43.5 protein, 16.4 carbs, 1.2g fats

Meal 2: Chicken salad, with walden farms 0 calories dressing. My salads are huge, I want the fiber to keep me full. I do a mixture of shaved brussel sprouts and kale, with cherry tomatoes, baby carrots and a few strawberries. I top with one serving of shaved parm cheese and 6 oz of chicken breast. I consider green veggies free, meaning I don’t count them. Macros: 43g protein, 5g carbs, 7.2g fats

Meal 3: Turkey patties and rice cakes: I use 6oz of 99/1 lean turkey, season to taste and add red onion and garlic. Mix together and make hamburger patties that I pan fry with 0cal spray. On my four rice cakes, I add cinnamon and splenda. Macros: 43g protein, 28g carbs, 2.2g fats

Meal 4: Ground turkey soft tacos and desert:). Again I use 6oz 99/1 group turkey and season with hot taco seasoning. For the tortilla I use carb balance tortillas by mission, each one is 4g of carbs. I top with reduced fat shredded cheese and add 2oz of black beans for my side. Then there is desert! My almond snickers bar. Macros: 65.5g protein, 82.5g carbs, 23.3g fats

Totals: 239.2g protein, 131.4g carbs, 33.9 fats.

Im not a complicated eater as long as my food taste good, im good. I pretty much stuck to this plan for the last 16 weeks minus my refeed days and a few times I eat out. When you eat out, keep it simple and smart, protein, veggies, and account for oil your food was cooked in.

So yes, you can eat a snickers bar everyday and get lean, the key piece is COMPOUND CONSISTENCY!


Cabin Fever


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