Thank God for the wake up call šŸ™šŸ¾

Last week, I went to @bodyfatUSA and got a DXA scan! This  scan measures your bone density, and also determines the percent of your lean muscle mass.  This test is accurate and also gives you a breakdown of different body regions. The test takes about 20 minutes, and then another 10 minutes to go over your results with the physician.   While going through my results, she also tells me my BMI (body mass index).  At 6ā€™1 230lbs and 7.1% body fat, according to the BMI, Iā€™m morbidly obese- WTF.   So that brings me to my question, what is the BMI and why do we still use it?

The BMI was derived in the 1830ā€™s by Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet, a Belgian astronomer and mathematician. This test aims to estimate where a person is at a healthy weight by dividing their weight in kilograms by their height.     

First of a test used to measure body composition  that was derived in the 1830ā€™s, should no way be used 2019.  Everyday someone is breaking records for physical strength and speed, we have evolved a lot since 1830.  Our diets, the hormones in the food, the advances in technology have made us almost super human, as babies.   So why do we still you this test from the 1830ā€™s , that give us an inaccurate measure of body fat and takes no account for lean muscle mass, bone density, racial and sex differences.

In my opinion this test should be removed from all charts, until they can gives us an updated model. 

Courtney Samuel


Bodies By Perseverance, Denver, Colorado



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