Lifting weights will make me bulky- BullSh&% !!

Thank God for the wake up.

Nov 3, we celebrated our 16th year in business-blessed! We have always been a gym that focuses on transformations, my clients are my walking billboards! Over the past years , without a doubt the number one statement I get in my female consultation is, I don’t want to get bulky from lifting weights.

Here are five reasons women should lift!

  1. You can’t outwork your diet! The only way your going to get bulky is if you eat like shit! Train hard and eat right!

  2. Weight training burns more calories the cardio. Test my theory, wear a heart rate monitor to one of my 45 minutes group weight training sessions, versus your favorite orange theory/bar/spin class. I guarantee you burn more calories with us!

  3. Weight training shapes your body, by building lean muscle mass. Your overall goal is to reduce body fat. You do this by building lean muscle mass from weight training and burning off the fat through nutrition.

  4. Women gave lower testosterone levels then men, which makes it harder for them to build muscle anyway! Lifting weights has health benefits such as helping with increasing bone density,core strength, and stress!

  5. Weight training will make you more athletic. Try putting a sock on standing on one foot, or bring bags of groceries in from your car! Weight training helps with all this!

Bottom line, in my years of experience I have never made a female bulky from lifting weights!

-Coach Court

Courtney Samuel


Bodies By Perseverance



Drink Your Kool -Aid


Compound Consistency: Real People, Real Results